Jamie Cross unban
If you want to get unbanned please use this form to get a fast and quick summary.

Now that you can see your ban times, steam ids etc. You will fill each of these lines, otherwise it will also get denied. Information counts.

Your name: (jamiecross5)

Your SteamID: (STEAM_0:1:39243172 )

Banning Admin: [FL] Dryblood

Ban Length: 2011-07-02 18:35:17

Reason for the ban: Apparntly i was pushing cars,

Why we should unban you:
Because i was copeying someone the admin who banned me fail rp and made a unicorn and got someone to get on in, Then flew him with his phcics gun, So i got half a helcopter and flew it with my phisegun and i didnot mean to but i hit some cars.

Yeah we did that for a joke once.
Doesn't mean normal players can do it though, surely you're intelligent enough to know that giant pink unicorns don't fly IRL ...
The ban was for an hour, you should not have post this. Shark just had a celabration with the horse prop.
A bit of a celebration for regaining admin. I made a little bit of a joke.

It's only an hour, too short for an unban req.

Read the Server Rules AND the Forum Rules next time...

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