Un BR on jake 14
player name: jake14

ban id:

banned by: jokhah


Summary: ok so let me explain before it all began there was a raid the last pres was not being fair no laws no warrants so we raided and then when 'i' killed the pres some guy became pres and we were about to leave but he sai "no dont leave be my guards and ill pay u well" we all decided to join him then he ordered us to make as much security as posible i did not make any security as i was covering the elevator and then the pres told us to KOS any law enforcement and to change our Jobs to dictators guard then regular people started raiding in cluding spuderr every time he went up there some guys killed her somenthign like jelly somenthign. but he always had a gun then she said she was calling the admin when the admin got on he banned everyone there. i was only following the pres orders he was paying me so i dont think i was breakin gthe rules i killed exatcly 3-2 man when i was an officer then i killed the last pres then i think i killed 2-1 raiders but i know that when i got banne di only had like 4 kills and i did not know that u get banned for followin gthe presidents rules i am very sorry for breaking this rules the first time i got on the servers i read the rules clearly and dint broke theme till now i am sorry

i ahve a video of the first raid for the unjust president
You could've just left the "team" if you didn't want to do it. Every time they killed me I heard you laughing and taunting me.
well i did not taunt u and is it agains the rules to laugh i dont read that at the foursm
(07-28-2013, 02:33 AM)Jake14 Wrote: well i did not taunt u and is it agains the rules to laugh i dont read that at the foursm

Nope it's not against the rules but you were clearly enjoying the fact that I was being rdmed and joined in on 1 or 2 occasions.
i might of joined in when there was the big raid where everyone started shottign and there was a big croud i might of hit u there but tryst me spyderr i really dint want to kill u i dont think i killed u anyway
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
(Not Involved) (Witness)
You just deserve it
Thanks to Jokhah <3 Ma best admin ever
KoS laws are against the rules of the server. You taking any part in that form of activity is YOUR fault. Denied.

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