Unban Request
Your Name: Keymod| Clean Dan

Your ban ID: How do I find this?

Banned by: Narcotic? (It happened to quickly to see for sure)

Reason: I wasn't told. At the time I was picking up a prop and hit a car by accident (It barely moved) because I was lagging. The car didn't kill anyone but I was immediately picked up by the admin (I could tell which one) And brought to the roof of a building. When i asked what happened he didn't reply and I was banned.

Involved: a

Why we should unban you: I am obviously new to the fearless community but I don't understand why I was permanently banned. I think i can bring a different personality to the fearless community. A kind of guy who can follow the rules but still making it a great time. The week I have played on this server has been a blast and I hope you will consider unbanning me or even just lowering ban time.
Please fill out your template properly.


You can find how to fill it out properly on that thread.
At first, you stood on a prop trying to lift it up, you failed. You then proceeded to spawn a prop, all randomly and smashed a car.


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