Vincent_Caskate / [FL:RP]Spenny36 Unban Request
Your name: [FL:RP]Spenny36 my roleplay names Vincent_Caskate

Your ban ID: 32773

Banned by: [FL]Temar

Reason: RDM

Involved: Unsure of the man. I just go autobanned by him without me even saying naything to him.

Why we should unban you: I did nothing wrong that i see, the President was tied up and hostage so i told everyone as the police sergeant crimes are auto shooting depending on seriousness. The man nearly run my over speeding into gas station and stopped i pulled out my gun and told him to get out i said again he went no. I then shot his car and he began to reverse, then he hopped out i went freeze he just said im getting a Admin so i began to shoot him. Anyways now i told you the reason i really want to join back as all the other roleplays suck. I have being waiting all day to get back on XD sounds sad but i have anyways sorry admins.
I didnt notice you use advert, but if anything thats worse, you Dont KOS and i dont care if president is unable to warrant, that doesnt mean you kill them
by your own statement you said he got out, and said hes getting admin then you killed him .. RDM

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