Hipster Jesuses Lemons - Attempt RDM
Name of player: Hipster Jesuses Lemons

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:57787636

Time in GMT: its currently 1:05 AM

Server: V2d

Summary: So not to long after I get killed the first time as president for "Being a Woman pres" Prison holds pres for me until I can change into the class again. When I become it I just start to put down laws again until a Rebel comes up this time and Trys to RDM for the reason "I hate foxes" I'm guessing cause my Steam name is MikeyTheFox? Anyways I end up excapeing cause he didn't point the gun at my face. Then I get flatten by my car. lol

Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArlKW4GNn...e=youtu.be
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