[FL:RP] StrikeOne1000
Your name: [FL:RP] StrikeOne1000

Your ban ID: 30700

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: Accessing a rooftop and shooting people from it

Why we should unban you: First i want you to give a tip: Let the admins tell the time when they banned somebody. Because i was banned today but i wasn't online today. Also there is no BR so that means there is no proof. I know for sure you can check i wasn't online today and i haven't seen Narotic for 1 week. I really want to know why Narotic thought he needed to ban me.
also i want to know as well i got banned from the server as well, narcotic's brother accuse all three of us: StrikeOne1000, EXPxDolanDuck and another player ( I forgot) for shooting off the roof. Also i would like to say i am supporting StrikeOne1000 is that the ban that we got given is unfair.
Nope, this ban is valid, because Narcotic himself watched you break those rules from his brother's screen.

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