Ban Request-Shadowls
Name of player: Shadowls

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35611618

Time in GMT: 31 Hours

Server: v33x

Summary: I had just joined the server and started as a Corleone. In chat Shadowls put in the radio "Kill Mormor he is a threat". I did not see this until after i checked the logs. I then replied "What has he done" and "who is a threat". Then me along with 2 other Corleone's were CDMed. Next thing that happens is he demotes me along with the other 2 Corleone's that were with me. I asked him "what is the reason for demote" and he says "you did not do as i said". I did not see this until after he demoted me. I am getting him banned for random demote and attempted RDM. A bit later on 3 over people had taken our places as Corleone's and changed their Jobs to "D.M.Z". I believe that he only demoted us to make room for his clan.

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
After checking logs, evidence was deemed sufficient. Accused player Shadowls (STEAM_0:0:35611618) was found violating rules regarding random demotion.
Suspension shall be applied for 1 day.

[FL] Adman
Server Administrative Team

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