unban request
Your name:hatulparsi

Your ban ID:24629

Banned by:[FL] Adman

Reason: "Standing on an unconscious body, RDM."

Involved:taxi driver who were cdm

Why we should unban you: i got 2 days for nothing firstable i wasnt standing on any unconscious body and second i didnt rdm i killed people who had to die for there crims if i wouldnt kill them they would keep cdm so i can only shoot to kill.
there was a taxi driver who where driving inside the city and crdm and getting into evrything buildings and cars so that is no rdm to shoot people like them

Shows you clearly standing on the unconscious man's body and killing him.
(02-16-2013, 10:56 AM)Adman Wrote: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=25772

Shows you clearly standing on the unconscious man's body and killing him.

that was long time ago my name isnt jhon richards like a week and as u see im not the only one standing so why not evryone will get a ban?
(02-16-2013, 11:35 AM)hatulparsi Wrote: so why not evryone will get a ban?

What happens to them is their business.

Anyways, you've unwillingly admitted to violating our rules and displayed absolutely no regret to your actions. Denied.

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