Unban request for Shabbizle
No, they should read the server rules and the forum rules.
And Fexxe I have warned AND banned him for posting in such topics and still he does it, he is not an important witness not the person to be unbanned nor is he an admin same applies for Neurotic.
If that is the case you can't talk here and if they do it is my job to tell them they can't.

So I'm nto raging I'm telling him what he can and can't do.
Same applies on the server he was one of the only ones CONSTANTLY saying in OOC I need admin even though the regular pop up:
If you need an admin, pm him.
Keeps popping up if people are too dumb to read, they can't be angry for being banned.
-Signature removed-
I WROTE IN THE OOC ONCE! yes caps was neccesary u capsed on CONSTANTLY aswell... i did it once.. and yet u call me an idiot or stupid.. u don't know me alright, i have always been polite to u and any1 else who treated me with respect.. but i don't like being called an idiot, i am sure u have made a mistake once or twice in ur life too.. but u prolly don't think that makes u an idiot, so why should i be one`?

and i posted on this topic because i was there and thought i had relevant info.. u obviously disagree, but i couldn't possible know that till i had posted it could i?

well ur prolly gonna just gonna say, i warned u IDIOT banstick bb.. fine, i'll stick up for myself any day and get banned, rather than letting some1 walk all over me.
Well said Neurotic.
No unban for Shabibizle.
Thread closed, getting out of hand.

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