BR on Pikolfan.
Name of player


Time in GMT
09-05-2012, 05:09


After he shot wildly into the air infront of me, (FailRP) I demoted him, he then came back as a Taxi driver and threw a molotov at me and failed to hit me, when he got arrested he asked in the OOC: "can someone kill me at the jail Tounge".

[Image: 5thnb.jpg]
that message was meant to be a joke to see if anyone would come and actually do it that's why it was in OUT OF CHARACTER not in advert in all reality i'd say you just take everything too seriously and don't know what a JOKE it cause you took this to a ban request and for what?
yes i did get demoted because i was shooting in the sky but for what the gun wasn't pointed at anyone. and yes i did come back to avenge because i was thoroughly pissed after you asked me to protect you and i do not deny that i NLR'dOmg the only thing i am asking is why a ban request? i haven't posted a single ban request yet because i'm not an asshole but if they did something really bad then i might have otherwise i just walked it off.
Bold text: Important text (Pikolfan only.)
Underlined text: My statements.

(09-05-2012, 05:44 AM)pikoflan Wrote: that message was meant to be a joke to see if anyone would come and actually do it that's why it was in OUT OF CHARACTER not in advert in all reality i'd say you just take everything too seriously and don't know what a JOKE it cause you took this to a ban request and for what?

It was obviously not a joke as you tried to get your friend up there, and if you would have asked anyone in the game for the moment, then I bet they would say that you were just minging around, breaking NLR and randomly killing people.

yes i did get demoted because i was shooting in the sky but for what the gun wasn't pointed at anyone.

You shot randomly in the air for no reason at all, what was the point of that? Would you see a police officer do that IRL?

and yes i did come back to avenge because i was thoroughly pissed after you asked me to protect you and i do not deny that i NLR'd

I like that you can lie about one thing and be truthfull about the other.

Omg the only thing i am asking is why a ban request? i haven't posted a single ban request yet because i'm not an *** but if they did something really bad then i might have otherwise i just walked it off.

Because you broke the rules, people are supposed to post ban request on someone who breaks the rules.
And if I post a ban request on someone, how does it make me a "***"?
There isn't enough evidence here. If you have any about the NLR breakage or him randomly shooting the air it would be appreciated. You have 24 hours.

PS: I can't take a users word for it since it might be someone trying to frame him.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.
Denied. No evidence.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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