TRP "True RolePlayer"
The Clan is now made.

Name: TRP "True RolePlayer"

Quings..............Member (Denmark)
Cartman...........Member (Denmark)
Hybris...............Member (Denmark)
FL:RP Jones......Try member (Denmark)

average playerage: 15.45 years.

Area/Territory: Cupfood/Rebel House

Online status (Dansih timezone):
Monday: 18:30-22:00
Tuesday: 18:30-22:00
Wednesday: 18:30-22:00
Thursday: 18:30-22:00
Friday: 18:30-20:00

We also got certain weekends where all will be online from morning to night.

Manager: Lasse N. B.

Sponsor: None (veritably to have a sponsor soon)

OOC Programs: Skype & Wegame.

We are a experienced group of people who likes to play roleplay.
We stick togeather share our money, weapons, food, drugs, healthkits with each other.
We Function personly good with each other and working on a great comunikationen.
We take care for each other ingame and is sympathetic for IRL stuff. We are like blood brother for each other and our Specialty is a combination of tactical Actions and teamwork.


You have to be online at least 21 hours weekly.

You have to be minimum 15 years old.

You have to follow the ingame rules and be respectful for other players.

You must be able to speak pretty well English.

You have to use our comunikationen programs that will be skype, ventrilo or mumble.

You have to download and register on wegame that we use for recording
(we can help you with this progress that only takes 5 min)

You must have a microphone.

Your voice must be in transition (you cannot have a very light voice)

All members will have the same right and there will therefore be no leader of the clan, we will ofcaurse show respect for your everyday and your time for ex. job, family, collage, homework, girl/boyfriend or other personal things.

So if you think this maybe is something for you then write something about yourself like:
your experience with roleplay, your age, your eyecolor or whatever you want to and drop a request here.

there will made no difference if you got VIP/admin on the server, is rich or poor or got any kind of benefits at the server.
Loved by few, hated by many, respected by all.
Seems like a Communist clan Tounge
These accusations will be investigated and if found to be truthful, there will be severe consequences.
Is this clan only for danish people ?
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

This clan should be closed since Quings is banned.
Cartman, Hybris or Jones, feel like taking over? Post within 24 hours or we will close you down.

Time's up. Nobody was interested, so this clan was shut down.

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