Steam Name: Pablo

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:90672701

BanID: 82204

Ban Reason

Staff Member: Kippsee

Involved users
fifeassasin, richie.

Why should you be unbanned?
I was banned for the reason Fearrp because i was jumping in my car under gun point. But the reason i want to get unbanned is because they had me under gunpoint middle of the street(public) for i took a weapon from someone who got killed by a car in front of me. And they screamed give back the weapon but that is actually powergaming. Its no reason to say give it back so the reason for the gun point is not a vaild reason and thats powergaming so the guy who had gunpoint on me broke the rule 2.5. And its weekend and i wanna play and have fun with my friends on the server so i really want to get unbanned because i think this was a false ban.  Thinking
You admitted to breaking FearRP in the footage which you should know is completely out of order. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and remove the ban however I will keep it on your record, therefore if you were to break the rule again I will just make the punishment a lot worse compared to what you have at the moment.

Do you agree to those terms?
I Agree!  Cool Thank you so much

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