Gmodbasher Minging
Name of player: [FL:RP] Gmodbasher99

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86251727

Time in GMT: 7:00Am Uk time.

Server: V2D

Summary: FailRP, Punchwhoring, FearRP, NLR (Can't prove that tho), Generally minging around when me and Ghost Rider were fixing a casino dupe. Started randomly hitting us for no reason whatsoever. We killed him once and he broke nlr and continued, finally he left.

Evidence: Video on youtube

The user in question has been issued with a one day suspension from the server, I will be requesting an extension for the ban time. He was banned for the following reasons; FearRP, Punch Whoring and Not being here to RP.
What are you doing on the roof? Oh wait that's an air conditioning unit. - Suarez 2k15
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda

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