Ban Report on BiotSNow
Name of player:BiotSNow


Time in GMT: 21:54(GMT +1)

Server: v33x

Summary:Accused user was knocking people(and me) unconcsious with ASP baton, blatantly entirely without reason. While patrolling as SRU.

He knocked me dead, which is one count of RDM. Abusing his tools, and job as SRU. He shows no intent of roleplaying and no respect to other players.

Evidence speaks for itself, as this is ongoing i will just make this BR quickly and get on with playing the game, potentially uploading more evidence.

I didn't knocked peopel for no reason I just knocked u cuz a police officer said u shooted somebody and u actually must be arrested then I knocked u for that and I knocked other person cuz he ran from officeres and sit on the chair.
He was not any danger to you or anyone else, so you could have just cuffed him. If he was, you could have used taser instead.
Saying "I will concious u until we get back" does not make any sense with the roleplay situation that accured. You could have just handcuffed him and order him to stay, that would be it.

Player Report Approved.

Fearless Server Moderator
Kind Regards,

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