Ban request on
Player name: LynX. <3hannnah

SteamID (if possible): STEAM_0:1:15251854

Steam Page You guys should view his names to confirm it was him.

Time in GMT: 3:30-3:50 A.M

Summary: I found him tranqulizing random people including me so I snuck around the corner and killed him with a crowbar, later he came by asking for his weapon back. I said he should stop lieing and he killed me.

This comment may be deleted, but you gotta remember that when you spot a person breaking the rules you have to get evidence of him rule-breaking... you are not supposed to take matters into your own hands.

In other words it's a bad idea to stop a rule-breaker by RDM'ing. It could get you into trouble.
I was walking around and every time I responded he/she killed me... I didn't take matters into my own hands, I was just eyeing him/her like a hawk.

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