REQUEST unBan and BAN Moderator KID
Your name: maxikiller05

Your ban ID: 51218

Banned by: [FL:M] GeorgeTheBoy

Reason: Severs moderator disrespect.

Involved: Me (1 Guy i dk name Shooting in the nexus people and i try to kill that guy ) other join in the nexus after ruining in the Feading door for get the president ( for kill him ) 2 Times when i told for him stop after i killed him ... Then this kid admin banned me from the POLICE for 2 Hours ( RDM people agressiving ) That's The best noob admin in this WORLD

Why we should unban you: i don't the fucking Care with my ban ( i want only for This shiit moderator kid ) get out at this server and kill him self !
Your attitude in this forum post accurately conveys why you were suspended from our servers.

Your request will be denied and multiple warning levels added to your account.

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