Been a month and feel positive
Your name: Inkbird

Your ban ID: 48870

Banned by: [FL] Aviator

Reason: BRA (46722) - Scamming.

Involved: [FL:RP]LinkedMagic

Why we should unban you:
As said by [FL:RP]LinkedMagic; "Why should you deserve to be out in the servers scamming. There are others that scam and they don't get let off so what makes you an exception. I commend aviator for reacting quickly and helping out."

1.) I didn't scam, the proof provided through server doesn't answer everything, but it is a sight of what happened. You don't know what really happened in my mind and you don't know what happened on my end.

2.) I also dont like your attitude, im not being an exception im being the correct person to report that this is false and if i really did do it then why am i posting this to come back and play on the server in dire?

3.) You say aviator is going to be on your side but that seems like your teaming against me. I find that unfair.

Now [FL] Aviator had said this;"This is a brilliant deal which also sounds far too good to be true and it appears as though, it was.

I do question the probability of a random disconnection right at the moment of a transaction.

The user has already been refunded and thus it is not required to return any items."

1.) The deal is quite not a lie, i have done many fascinating deals with people involving a corvette and guns along with selling of weed. Many players have bought from me and as if you see my previous bans there is no saying that i have scammed before so i find the "permanent" to be very harsh as there is no evidence about a "guess of said person". if i had previous bans involving selling and stealing then there would be evidence.

2.) Judging my behavior and actions isn't proof, its just false guessing.

3.) You should not have refunded him, i have the money to give him back BOTH the money and additionally would have gave him the items for the inconvenience. Also there is one thing suspicious about the quick ban and my unable to wright back about the ban due to forum warnings. It seems like you were preventing me from posting.

This all could have been settled very simply by alerting me in game to go to 'X' to refund 'X Person' the money and/or items. You could have also added a time limit of which i had to do so or brought both of us to the same location. The act of posting a BRA on me without alerting an admin instead and firstly seems clumsy and childish with no patience at all ( *Hence the attitude on [FL:RP] Linked Magic saying for me to never get back on the server and hate speech* ) which the BRA page is below.

And also the comments 1 2 3 format go along with the UBR page which is below this.

I did not mean to leave and this all was seen as a misunderstanding. I have never spammed people ever so assuming i did is unfair as there is also hardly and POV and mind reading evidence. A lot of different people have seen my selling stand that was wooden with a flashing 'S' sign to symbolize that i am selling stuff of my own inventory and many people bought, you can check how much money i have and see that 2/3 of that is all from mostly selling my stuff along with that extra 100k from donating. I donated to this server because i like it a lot and i enjoy playing on it because i respect the elements of the game and i am willing to do something nice for this community. If i really wanted to minge i wouldn't be paying for this server and i wouldn't be making these long pleads and paragraphs for wanting to be unbanned for something i was falsely seen as. I care a lot for this server and i like to see it in a clean and safe environment to play in and roleplay with others. I have a lot of friends from fearless and they are wondering where i am. They enjoy having me around and i am seen as a good player. A lot of people have fun roleplaying with me and it's hard to see that im not there to enjoy this Beautiful server with them. Can you please let me show to you that its all very true? Please? One chance Sad

I hope to get back to playing this server soon! Tounge

a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
"an insurance scam"
synonyms: fraud, swindle, fraudulent scheme, racket, trick, diddle;

You took my hard earnt 55k and then suddenly disconnected and the Admin (Aviator) can see the logs which you made no attempt to rejoin v2p,

2. Mate look at your language to walrus the overlord and me in the PMS on steam your language is foul your racist and in general you are rude. I might have the messages sent to me of so I'll post them.

3.Teaming . I've never been on a server with aviator before this incident and scamming is not tolerated .

4. When I asked walrus you told him to lie to me so you could get out of trouble and even then you were racist through steam.

5. I gave you 10 mins to rejoin. Which you did not

My actions/ language is far inferior to the way you speak to players. Falsely banned I'm not even going to answer that you saw the evidence of my br.

When talking to aviator on steam he said you broke about 90% of the forum rules.

There was no sign of the repayment.
I never said you could speak, you also on steam said you were going to pin me down and prevent me from getting unbanned which you are acting suspicious because i am right when i say things, maybe i didn't sell the corvette to walrus but i did sell weed and little things count as well. I don't speak falsly and just because you were involved doesnt mean you have to repeat the same thing in the provided links. Also walrus is my friend but i told him to do one little thing by saying that i sold a corvette to him, but unfortunatly he didn't want to be involved in the heat. I have sold a corvette to this one rebel, and don't go saying its breaking FEARRP because i was just trading. It is his own responsibility of what my customer does with said purchased item. You also said scam about more then once this seems more like you are helping my case because you struggled and you didn't even tell aviator to unban me, you lied and prevented me from anything because of my 90% of forum rules due to me not able to speak. also your comments on my comments doesnt mean shit, sorry but your statements are complete bull. You also didnt let me repay you as you didnt even give me a chance. Read my post AND ALL OF IT, before you start commenting lies. If anything i cant believe that the admins are taking advice from a new player. I told you everything of what happened and you keep telling the exact opposite. What i said really happened and you keep thinking that wasn't true, i did get fucking mad at you for digging your nose to far into my ass. Also racism has nothing to do with this and leave walrus out. You are a jerk, the kind that keeps personal info and uses it to his/here own advantage to put someone in the dumps. You don't deserve a say, i think you have said enough. This is between me and the admin and i did leave links to show your side, if anything this info you are giving is complete bull. Sorry for my words, but they are all 100%
(06-18-2014, 01:24 AM)theinkbird Wrote: I never said you could speak, you also on steam said you were going to pin me down and prevent me from getting unbanned which you are acting suspicious because i am right when i say things, maybe i didn't sell the corvette to walrus but i did sell weed and little things count as well. I don't speak falsly and just because you were involved doesnt mean you have to repeat the same thing in the provided links. Also walrus is my friend but i told him to do one little thing by saying that i sold a corvette to him, but unfortunatly he didn't want to be involved in the heat. I have sold a corvette to this one rebel, and don't go saying its breaking FEARRP because i was just trading. It is his own responsibility of what my customer does with said purchased item. You also said scam about more then once this seems more like you are helping my case because you struggled and you didn't even tell aviator to unban me, you lied and prevented me from anything because of my 90% of forum rules due to me not able to speak. also your comments on my comments doesnt mean shit, sorry but your statements are complete bull. You also didnt let me repay you as you didnt even give me a chance. Read my post AND ALL OF IT, before you start commenting lies. If anything i cant believe that the admins are taking advice from a new player. I told you everything of what happened and you keep telling the exact opposite. What i said really happened and you keep thinking that wasn't true, i did get freaking mad at you for digging your nose to far into my ass. Also racism has nothing to do with this and leave walrus out. You are a jerk, the kind that keeps personal info and uses it to his/here own advantage to put someone in the dumps. You don't deserve a say, i think you have said enough. This is between me and the admin and i did leave links to show your side, if anything this info you are giving is complete bull. Sorry for my words, but they are all 100%
Just let aviator decide your fate
you are trying to claim your innocence, however the evidence clearly shows otherwise as pointed out in the last unban request
so any attempt to claim innocence with that evidence isnt going to work well

Ok so based on evidence that you scammed, Added the fact your linked with several perm banned account so likly double accounting

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