Looking for ban shorten
Your name: Geraint 'Minus' Evans

Your ban ID: 37465

Banned by: [FL] Aviator

Reason: Abusing a glitch.

Involved: Me

Why we should unban you: I don't unnecessarily want to be unbanned just a shorten on the ban time, I do understand and I have acknowledged I had used a glitch but at the time was it was unknown to me this was not allowed. I would just like to write this to say sorry to Aviator and the whole FL:RP team, I understand what I did was not allowed. I have much matured now and am more into serious role-playing and not just spawning stuff for no necessary reason. All I have done of the past months of playing gmod is playing on god-awful darkrp servers so it would be good to come back to a serious role-playing server and not have to put up with those morons over on DarkRP.
The rule that was infringed is the first rule on the rules page.

You spawned props that you clearly should not have spawned. If I can recognise and question whether one should be spawning props of contraband and other assortments of banned props, so can you. It isn't very difficult. You could have easily determined that the contraband prop is banned - so then you go and find a way to spawn it. As a result, you were suspended. At Fearless we have no tolerance of this type of infraction.

This is your last chance to appeal this suspension, so I would have expected more than 5 lines. For me at the moment, I don't see how "morons" on DarkRP servers comes into your suspension. You may now realise that you broke a rule and spawned a prop you shouldn't have, but a permanent suspension is permanent and without any valid reason it shouldn't be revoked.

Unless you can really prove to the staff team that you will not re-offend, the ban will be staying how it is.
Aviator, I asure you I would never do it again. I have honestly learned my lesson. Lots of people probably say this but I am dead serious right now I will do anything for my unban or shorten or my ban, this is my favourite server and I would genuinely do anything for it.
As I have stated previously, the rule that was infringed is not tolerated here. It will be very unlikely to have this suspension revoked. I fail to understand how you thought spawning a duplication of a banned prop is acceptable. It clearly isn't and as a result a suitable punishment was issued.

You broke the rules and got punished for it. It is as simple as that. This is you last chance to appeal this suspension, and if I were you then I would try really hard to prove, not to me, but the current staff team (who will be the people making the final decision on this) why you did what you did, how you've improved. I would be expecting this is detail with a good quality of written communication.

It is possible for the duration to be shortened, but the final decision will be made by the current staff team.

Thanks in advance,
Abusing glitches is not tolerated here and this ban will remain a permanent ban.


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