Very unfair
Your name: [FL:RP] Nicolaj AkA Puddie!

Your ban ID: 44037

Banned by: [FL] Freezak

Reason: BR#42221: Prop blocking/hidden keypad.

Involved: Eisengurke

Why we should unban you: Because rule doesnt say that hidden keypads arent allowed and the keypad was hidden so i had keypad and the rule doesnt still say it and no admin said to me its not allowed so that unfair

and i wasnt propblock cause i had a keypad
Keypads or buttons need to be visible, accessible and their function has to be clear.

visible means not hidden because if it is hidden you cannot see it.
I say to you its not Allowed Doorblocking and Hidden Keypad but you only say i should i take the BR out because i become a Perma Ban for this BR.
And i didnt propblocked maybe its not allowed but there was a keypad so its not propblock so it should be shortned to 1 day
The Gardendoor is still doubledooring when you have a keypad so i dont think its must shorted on 1 day
the ban is not about double dooring! its about Keypad! and the keypad was fadet to the prop so it should be
Than i think you must become 1 Day more for doubledooring
I didnt and u still dont have evidience on it
3. Keypads or buttons needs to be visible, accessible and their function has to be clear.


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