Unban Request
Your name: jafroSquirrel27

Your ban ID: 42201

Banned by: [FL] Drogas

Reason: Random Tranqing

Involved: Me and the people I tranqued

Why we should unban you: First of all I only want my ban shortened as I understand what I done must have been pretty annoying but this is what happened. Me and quite a few people were unhappy with the President and decided we were going to go to war (staying within the rules of RP), I found myself in the Fire Station with all the Carlones and a few other classes. I was informed by a Carlone that Rebels and Carlones couldn't raid together as it would be breaking the rules so I decided to not directly participate in the raid. As there was some stiff resistance from the police and SRU units surrounding the Nexus I decided to take out my tranq sniper and began shooting Police but the mass amount of people in the area got in the way and in the heat of the moment I began shooting anything that moved which was wrong but I was only trying to keep within the confines of the rules but also support the Carlones and their justified raid. I deeply apologise for wasting your time and all those affected and hope that we can resolve this misunderstanding. Thanks
You were told you are not allowed to raid with the corleones as a rebel because you are not allowed to work with them. So you decide to help the corleones raid? And it got out of hand and you started to tranq everyone.

This ban is valid and you are going to have to wait out the time.


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