Unban request
Name: Joshua Bonner



BannedBy: Enzyme

Reason:random raid

Involved: yankeeTY,isaacer

Why i shoud be unbanned: i didnt think bout looking when yankee pulled a gun out at me when i was at my house . thinking that i killed him and went for a base near by that i see him at earlier he was going in and out. It turned out was owned by isaacer when i reported to an admin i seen prop block the admin pointed out random raid . If i knew it was his base i wouldnt have broken in . i did not break or steal anything and did ask to pay the owner for my mistake. I'm just asking to be checked out too see if theres a possibal unban or having my tempban shortened. Im sorry for this misconception. Mean a lot to get a reply !(: thanks !
So you raided a base that had nothing to do with the person?
I used a cracked to get in . Didnt touch anything just looked around didnt see any contra cause of prop block

There was a keypad that was no where near the prop block ...
Okay, so you were a BMD at the time and you called me in @ because you had a propblock. I see a keypad clearly to the left of the prop blocking the stairs so it is no propblock. Then I start questioning why you are raiding the user isaacer, and you were like "what? oh shit, wrong guy" and tried to bs your way out, making up a story about a corleone.


Job rules point 5: "You cannot raid as a Doctor, Chef, Gundealer, BMD."

Not only did you randomraid, you also raided as a BMD (of which I really didn't think of before I had already given the ban).


Unban rules:
3. If you are banned for 24h/1 day or less, you are not allowed to make an unban request.
6. Do not write an unban request if you broke the rules.

I suggest reading:
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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