Unbad request
Your name: SccyHD

Your ban ID: 33578

Banned by: [FL] Grub

Reason: FearRP

Involved: I honestly don't remember his name.. It all happened really fast.

Why we should unban you: I was driving and a guy in a suit jumped infront of my vehicle i tried to stop but it was no use.. I smashed into him. The cop tells me to get out of the vehicle. I ask him his reasoning he pulls a gun on me... I panic and I see he's reloading, Do you know anyone who can fire a shot while reloading.. I would do what any criminal would do. I took the oppertunity to run! While running I get banned for "FearRP" I get it. but he was reloading and therefore couldn't have shot me. I understand FearRP but this was just RP. If you have a gun on someone and start reloading.. chances are.. they're going to run... It's my first time being banned and only for 24hrs. I just don't feel it's right when all I was doing is RPing.
People reload very quickly and still have tons of time to shoot you in the back at will if you run away. People know this in reality, and unless they're tacticool operation stealth special secret forces operational operator agents they don't suddenly not get scared the moment a gun reloads. Denied, this is still FearRP.

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