Unban, A mis understood ban
Your name:[VL-H] Deep Throat

[b]Your ban ID:28036

[b]Banned by:[FL] Narcotic
: "Chair Abuse"

[b]Involved:Myself, [VL-Hosting] Curtis1149, Deannreid.

[b]Why we should unban you: It was a simple misunderstanding. I was helping a friend out of the ceiling who had gliched into the roof, but the 'Package' time no avable cops knew the pass word to the barrior and I made a package to have it delivered to the president while i was hiding in it to surprise him. I dont mind if the ban is shortened or uplifted completely but I feel it was a simple misunderstanding

Sorry let me clairify something the reason i needed the package is a friend was delivering it when I wasnt in it. so thats why i needed it the first time.
First minute he is stuck in a roof 10 meters up? Ah. Next minute he is a package that is to be lifted over a Nexus defence in a chair using a physgun, thus abusing your tools.


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