Ban apeal /Allei_BAWS)
[b]Your name:[Allei_BAWS]

[b]Your ban ID:[24548]

[b]Banned by:[GhostRider]

[b]Reason: Breaking half of the base rules, basing as BMD. Requesting extension


[b]Why we should unban you:[Well i really want to get unbanned becus i want to
donate to the server so i can buy my new car and i want a new shance to read the rules and i am traveling to egypt - Sharm El Sheik tommorow afternoon so i want to play for a little bit with my new money and i love the server its actually the only server on garrys mod i like Thanks.]

Let's start with that you were basing as black market dealer.
In your base, you had 3 fadding doors in a row, which two of them were propblocks as well, and the third one double dooring. You had walkways, and sniper towers.
Now, being a donator, or wanting to donate does not give any benefit in a ban appeal.

If you love the server, why did you break the rules?
Suspension has expired. Appeal can be closed now.
Ban 24 hours or less and expired.

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