Ban request for 2 stupid russians
Name of player:_ПуЗя_ДеНь_, ےҖӥҎǻΦӣҜڪҎăȸӥҜ؃�

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51326285, STEAM_0:0:49270324

Time in GMT: 15:30 GMT+2 Athens

Server: EvoCity2_v2p Semi-Serious

Summary: 2 stupid russians blocked the doors at drugstore, and tried to kill us with props, i think i dont need to say everything, just look at demo and screenshoots also many people can confirm what i say here.

Upload pictures and videos for us to not have to download them. You have 24 hours.
the one russian i did see did it today, here video
(srry bad quality)
ےҖӥҎǻΦӣҜڪҎăȸӥҜ؃�" STEAM_0:0:49270324
[Image: 91859684953513965248_thumb.jpg] [Image: 03569923209679484237_thumb.jpg] [Image: 23783727177709100185_thumb.jpg] [Image: 69983772763264149186_thumb.jpg]

Here you go but these ss arent evidence at all, you can see there these russians on scoreboard, their job (guard) and that the guard is in the drugstore. I have evidence in demo but sadly i dont have anything to record :/ it's simple just download it put it in your folder and play it. If admins are scary then please someone make movie of this:
Request partiall approved, leaving open for the final case.

User ےҖӥҎǻΦӣҜڪҎăȸӥҜ؃� (STEAM_0:0:49270324) was found violating rules regarding prop usage.
Suspension shall be applied for 1 week.
Other displays prop blocking, and illegal prop placement in base.

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