Dionysus's Unban Request
Your name: (Steam friends name) Dionysus

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)23366

Banned by: (Admin that banned you)Fultzy

Reason: (Why were you banned, what's listed as the reason?) Proppushing Cars

Involved: (Who was involved? Just people that were jumping in and out of my truck.
Why we should unban you: I explained to everyone several times that i was impounding the car because it was out of gas and sitting in the middle of the road and cars were outlawed in the city so first i started pushing it with my truck to the police garage then cops started yelling demote the commander hes a idiot after i had explained that i was impounding it and they still ignored me so they kept yelling demote him so i got sick of ramming it so i thought it would speed it up if i pushed it after it flipped upside down then people continued to ignore me after i repetedly said im inpounding it saying that i was being a idiot and randomly prop pushing people and trying to propkill yet i was putting all my effort twards getting that car i had spent 10 minute getting it across town with a truck down the ramp and into the garage while i had people jumping infront of and into my truck so i understand i was prop pushing put i wasnt trying to kill anyone or do anything decunstructive i was just trying to get a car into the garage for being illegaly in the city.
Prop pushing is still prop pushing man. You knew it was against the rules yet you did it anyway. You are going to have to wait this one out.


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