Ban Request on SkippTekk and Lovable Goat
Name of player: [TAG] SkippTekk and [TAG] Lovable Goat

SteamID: SkippTekk: STEAM_0:0:38966894
Lovable Goat: STEAM_0:1:52369847

Time in GMT: Around 9AM.

Server: v2d

Summary: After the president has banned rebels and corleones, i decided to raid. Other rebels were contrawhoring, so i had to do it myself. I was in the lobby, called the elevator. I yelled raid, then killed SkippTekk (He was a police officer). I went up the elevator, and when i was at the last floor, before i jumped out the elevator went back down. I waited for the elevator on 3rd floor, then when the elevator came i killed SkippTekk AGAIN. I went to look for the president, then the paramedic blocked my way. He went somewhere else, so i pointed my gun at president (Lovable Goat). He completely ignored FearRP and ran away to the elevator. Then, the elevator came with SkippTrekk (3rd time) -.- and almost killed me as the president ran away.

Evidence: I started recording after i killed SkippTrekk for the first time (Nexus Lobby). I hope this video contains all that is needed to ban these two.
well then, in my OWN defence. i have been on the server for about 3 or 4 hours. Lovable Goat a bit longer and idk how long. so i didn't quit understand the First rule of NLR. pretty much don't go back to the same area for 5 mituntes. and that was the first time i pretty much died. and if you watch the text of the video (as long as it is seeable) i will retype on what i said (as close to what i said and percicelsy i could)

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