banned aswell as 3 others for stupid reasons
Your name: Tom765

Your ban ID: 17821

Banned by: Ruxandra

Reason: Admin Abuse

Involved: Whiparts, Birdaurent, Awardf47
Why we should unban you: before i say anything i would like to request Ruxandra not be the one to look at this, basically meaning i dont want to have anything to do with this

So basically ill start from the beginning, i was Corleone and my friend WhipArts (in skype call with) said he was finally able to get onto the server and we would ask the current president if he could be it, the current president at the time was Birdaurent, Whiparts then started to design an office for the president, as he was a guard, Birdaurent had said something along the lines of he was getting bored of being president and said to WhipArts he could be it soon, shortly after while whip was designing the a table had spazzed out (quite common with garrys mod) and killed Awardf47 (SS) and Birdaurent, they told him that was ok as it was an accident and that Whiparts could be president now, so they switched as Birdaurent wanted to be a security guard, this is when i began to arrive, Bird wanted to be a security guard for the new president (WhipArts) and me as the Corleone was coming to the nexus in my car to offer the Corleones protection for a fee ofcourse.

so we got on the elevator, Awardf47 was escorting us up so we could talk to him, WhipArts and the cop that probably called an admin for the prop kill becuase he was Birds friend but didnt get killed by the prop but also didnt hear the part about it being ok as it was an accident, so we started to walking to his office, but went into the Nexus skyline room, this is where everything went bad, we were about to talk, all of a sudden a wild admin appears, all i see is a floating phygun talking in local OOC about why he prop killed the last president, all 4 of us told her that it was an accident, i knew becuase of over skype, and the others knew, well becuase they were there, so they said it was an acident, all of a sudden the wild admin (suspected vicious and deadly) says to Bird "so you asked him to prop kill you so he could president?" he said no, we tried to explain to her that that is not what had happened, but then she banned Whiparts for 2 days and 2 hours for Prop kill that was proven an accident, and then bans Bird for asking to be prop killed which he didnt, you dont ask a question then screw up the answer then use it against them, as me award and a cop just wittnessed this, award stood up for them saying, that it was basically bullshit and he doesnt care if she bans him becuase hes just going to file a report against her (i did too) so she bans him..... FOR 7 DAYS!!! then im like wtf and people are asking in chat whats going on why did you ban them for that long.

so what i do is say in chat is he bans the president for accidently prop killing the last president, he bans the last president for accidently being prop killed and bans an SS for saying that it was complete bull shit, then i said i dont care if its a girl im fileing an admin abuse report, then Ruxandra said to me well i guess you will be joining them then, and then.... BOOM..... you have been banned please visit the site for more information.

ive filed a report, this happened yesterday at 11:05, she has already denied Awards unban request simply for saying i dont care if you ban me because hes not letting her get away with it, not much has been said on Birds other than he asked to be prop killed, and shes already given a deathsentence to Whiparts saying she is going to deny his application when she pulls up the chat log, which she still hasnt done, either becuase she found out that she was wrong and doesnt want to ruin what littl reputation she has left or shes too busy changing the log if thats even possible so she can get away with this, another person who was banned by Ruxandra that was cuaght in the cross fire told me in teamspeak that Rux isn't getting demoted, even after our..... highly detailed reports about her massive abuse but overall she has completely broken everything she has been taught to follow, didnt even listen to 4 people, 2 of which were the victims and 1 was the accidental killer, tell me please if people say that what happened is nothing to worry about becuase it was an accident, can she then compltetely disregard it, bend out words and ban us for it, please read our requests, unban each of us and check the chat log, youll see we are innocent, also im not apologising for what little i said becuase frankly shedeserved it, oh and also, Ruxandra had said on whiparts that she wont listen to us becuase were friends with him, well too be honest i only met hm yesterday on this game and talk to him on skype, the other 2 saw him for the first time 10 minutes before that, so yeah thats why i think we should ALL be unbanned, nuff said
Your situation had nothing to do with theirs, I banned you for insulting me. Start with explaining that.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.
well since you banned my friend and two others i felt (like award) that it was my obligation to stop you from breaking the rules, i know you lied about what we said, you know you lied about what you said about what we said, so tell me why? also what exactly did i say to insult you? the fact i didnt know you were a girl and didnt know? or the part where i am saying i was reporting you for admin abuse which you replied with "well i guess you'll be joining" also its unfair that the fact we prefer to use voice chat that we should be punished because you take advantage of it and bend our words, you asked what happened, we told you and you simply twisted everything we said to support an illegitimate ban.
Right. I banned you for insulting me directly, not because you threatened to make an abuse request, that is completely irrelevant. You make interesting accusations to cover your friends, hence why I refuse to give you an extra chance.

Unban request denied.
[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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