Rude ban
b]Your name:[/b] Mrkoekjes

Your ban ID: 16884
Banned by: [FL] Mahti

Reason: Propsurfing.

Involved: (Only admin and me

Why we should unban you: Well my guns where bugged so i tried to suicide. Then i used @. No admin respond. So i spawned a prop. trying to propkill myself, but then i saw a admin flying around and i was like Idea
He saw me prop surfing so i removed my prop walked to him, but he already flew to me. I tried to explain but after my 2 words written i was banned for 24 hours... Please give me a change to respond next time
[quote/]Please give me a change to respond next time [/quote]
Same thing happened to me, didn't get a chance to explain.
"Time You Enjoy Wasting is Not Wasted Time"
[Image: 76561198009735389.png]
What about toast? Bread's already been baked.

No you propsurfed rather than waited for admin your fault

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