Unban Request
Your name: Bradley

Your ban ID: 12920

Banned by: Ruxandra

Server: Both

Involved: Ruxandra, Bigtoe, myself

Why we should unban you: First off, i dont come on your server to be a minge, it just happens at the wrong times, the amount of minges on the server when there is not an admin present, is ridiculous, it makes it pretty much impossible to concentrate on roleplaying, on my ban, it says i was teamkilling, that isnt hard to explain, i was just in the lobby as a special service agent, awaiting orders from the president or the head of ss, when i heard a shot, i look around to see a cop pointing his usp at me, he then starts to fire multiple rounds into me, so my first reaction was the kill him, as the elevator was way upstairs and its alot of effort getting down from the special service office, so he died, and then bigtoe came into nexus and saw me killing the cop, so he then killed me, i didnt just randomly choose to teamkill someone.

When i came on the server at around 9:00pm, my brother had been on all day, i was welcomed by a huge bunch of minges, everytime i spawned i saw either the front or back end of a minges firetruck seconds before it pummeled me against the wall, this happened a good 10 times, i tried to reach the corleone village to roleplay with a few good friends of myne, but i kept getting shot, or ran over, or burnt, i admit to propkilling 1 maybe 2 minges, but if you were so annoyed, with no admins on, no way to reach a gun dealer, or no way to roleplay, im sure you would of been tempted to do the same, if you wernt an admin of course, i dont however, remember propkilling 14 people, as ruxandra stated on the server.

Finally, i was banned also for RDM, I3o0M and his corleone friends, im sure they metagame, as they dont use any ingame talk to each other, but yeh know who to kill, where to go, and its just plain obvious, they kept coming onto the walls of there base, jumping over to our house using props, and throwing molotovs randomly at our base, me and bigtoe then went out with guns, and killed a few, and they fired back, and they were happy fighting back with this, we then went away and planned a raid as rebels against the corleones, we raided them, and we destroyed their contra, and then they wernt happy, they then complained to ruxandra over the OOC chat, and then she found what looked like was me RDMing, when i was killing them for throwing molotovs, after i was banned he continued to send me messages over steam friends, like 'Ahah, thats what you get for being a mingy brit' i took offence to this, as i am british, and he started most of this by random molotoving our base.

Like i said in the beginning i dont ever mean to be a minge, it just happens that i do, i dont know what im doing wrong, i can do good roleplaying when there is no minges, like StillAlive give me and bigtoe a roleplay point for being reporters, i was a camera man, and he interviewed him when he was the president, i enjoyed it alot, as it was fun and creative roleplay, its the summer holidays and i dont want to spend it being banned, you will never see any of this again from me, and if there isnt a admin present, when there are minges of the server, i will just leave instead of getting involved and getting stressed about it.

If you do not see this as good enough to Lift my ban, then can it atleast be shortened, i only have 70 days of my donator left, and only 5 weeks of summer left, and i really want to come and be good at roleplaying, and make some of them moments, like i did with bigtoe and stillalive, thankyou for taking your time to read this, and im sorry ruxandra.

You had your chance and blew it up. You kept killing GermanSimon over and over again and by the PMs and chat, you had a grudge against him. I really don't care if your brother did most of those things, your account, your responsabillity.

You can always avoid these conflicts if you walk away, not retaliate.

I will say this again: Next time you are doing something at least similar to this, you will be permanently banned.

Also, your ban is set for two months, ignore the banlist as it's bugged a little.

[Image: pNUrjiv.png]
Credit goes to Jamie.

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