Banned 1 - 2 Years Ago - Second Chance?
Your name: InfernoHD (Banned With: Im-Beast_123)

Your ban ID: (Website Down) Service unavailable, please try again later

Banned by: Console  

Reason: Hacks

Involved: - 

Why we should unban you: I think i deserve a second chance because, 1, that was 2 years ago when you can almost hack anywhere. 2, I was dumb and i never use hacks anymore nor should I. I know i shouldn't of hacked. But if I could take it back... i would. and another reason why i should have a secod chance is because if i ever hack again, WHICH I WONT! I would be banned again. Then should never... ever unban me. I deserve this because i think ive changed in 2 years and when it comes to hacking. Ive changed alot. Thx for reading!

I don't see why you deserve a unban. You hacked and got PERMED. Just because it was a while ago and your sorry. That doesn't cut it.

I agree with Ricket.

We don't issue permabans only to lift the bans after a year or two. Hacking is under zero tollerance and there's no reason why you should be unbanned at all.

Also, you've made alot of UBRs for the same ban now. You've ignored the warnings and will be issued a long forum-ban (when system is working)
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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