Car Unblacklist
Your name: Mr.Pups

Your blacklist ID: I uh, dont know how to get it.

Steam ID: U:1:103744033

Reason: Cdming, propsurfing.

Staff member who blacklisted you: I dont know.

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: I was unblacklisted for 2 days. That was like, 5 weeks ago. It only counts when you are in the game? I was also unblacklisted for propsurfing. I am really sorry.

34623 Mr.Pups STEAM_0:1:51872016 Steam Profile Entities/Props Propsurfing
3 hours and 46 minutes
[FL] Enzyme
34622 Mr.Pups STEAM_0:1:51872016 Steam Profile Toolgun Propsurfing
3 hours and 46 minutes
[FL] Enzyme
34621 Mr.Pups STEAM_0:1:51872016 Steam Profile Physgun Propsurfing
3 hours and 46 minutes
[FL] Enzyme
32007 Mr.Pups STEAM_0:1:51872016 Steam Profile Vehicles BRA (48243) - Mass CDM, randomly stealing a vehicle.
1 day, 20 hours
[FL] Venom
yes its ingame time
You will not have your blacklist removed nor shortened just because you're sorry. Your blacklist will only start counting down when you are ingame.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
The reason being "I'm sorry" is not an excuse for Mass CDM and prop surfing which is general minging on the server.


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