/Your name: (Steam friends name)

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)

Banned by: (Admin that banned you)

Reason: (Why were you banned, what's listed as the reason?)

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the admin.)

Why we should unban you: Well termin does not understand the law of freedom of speech. And don't say since your British this don't effect you. Because your kind started America too. So there for saying this (You talk maliciously about DDoS on Fearless on our network expect to be permed.) I can say what ever I please. So telling me I can't is not right. Oh and please take a look at ingame sever rules and Team Speak rules. I can also say what ever in team speak and if you choose to ban me on team speak you can but not on sever. So therefore banning me on sever for something that happened on teamspeak is false and admin abuse. You may only ban me on team speak for that since it happened on there. Please take time to read this termin as you have abused power.
Kind regards nick.
You realise you can't actually say what ever you please in this world don't you?

Also, fill out the form correctly. Include names, Ban ID's and reasons.
1) Wrong section
2) He probably knows freedom of speech, seems like you doesn't. Fearless is a private-owned community, it's ultimately their choice where they'll ban you. You can't mix actual laws into this sort of case. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you're allowed to threaten anybody to kill them (as an example), it is in fact the straight opposite. Freedom of speech is your right to express your opinion, and share beliefs.

You referred the the US law, so here you have a quote:
"The right, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, to express beliefs and ideas without unwarranted government restriction."

User has failed to utilize his brain in order to realize it's not a good idea to threaten a community with DDoS attacks.

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