Steam Name: RescueForce

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93905731

BlacklistID(s): 106804

Blacklist Reason
killing another officer

Staff Member: [FL:T] Midget

Involved users
RescueForce (me)
[FL:T] Midget

Why should you be unblacklisted?
Posting on behalf of RescueForce, all words are his.
So let's start off with the situation. Me and Avalanche patrolled around Farms and saw a property with blocked windows, we then searched the house and it turned out the owners of the property had weapons so that search led to a shootout. We killed the armed people inside, we then rushed in to destroy the contraband and pots. While we were destroying the contraband inside we got shot through the walls from outside, these weren't some single shots, it was someone (FragSlaya) unloading 2 mags through the walls, me and Avalanche took quite some damage as he didn't stop shooting until we rushed out the property and rushed the guy shooting us, which was an officer (FragSlaya). I then unintentionally killed that officer from a distance, keep in mind it was hard to notice his uniform from that distance. He also wasn't wearing a police hat/cap that made it even harder for me to notice that it was an officer. After I killed him
I got brought into a sit with Midget and FragSlaya, Midget then gave me a blacklist from Police/SWAT which I find unfair as it was an accident and as I said it was hard to notice it was an officer shooting us. Also why did the officer decide to unload 2 mags through the walls from a distance without going near the building and checking if we didn't rush in yet? Our first reacting would of course be to rush outside and kill the guy that we thought was a criminal helping the other criminals we killed earlier, but it turned out to be an officer.
Hello RescueForce,

Thank you for making an unblacklist request. I discussed this with Jan and I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this one. Next time try to be more careful and I understand the confusion that occurred. Your blacklist will be removed.


Best regards,
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
Closed & moved.

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