Build Competition 2018

Today we are happy to announce the return of a favourite; the Build Competition. Often the talent of many can go unnoticed however the Build Competition allows people to show their true skill and mastery in putting those props and physguns to good use, therefore you ought to be able to show your talent and shine! This event will allow you to show off your talent and possibly be in with a chance to win the top 3 prizes for your efforts!

While doing this event many things will be taken into consideration whether it be the efficiency of your dupe in regards to props, its functionality and its aesthetics. During the event you will be able to join in a team of 2 however this will still affect you, double the props and double the manpower means you have a better chance than others, however this will be taken into consideration during voting to ensure everyone has a fair chance of getting the top prize.

The event will be hosted on the Event server on the V2D Map. The event will take place on Friday 27th of July at 19:00 BST. All players must be there fore 19:00 BST for a start at 19:30. Premade dupes will not be able to be used due to no dupes being available on the event server this ensures everyone starts out with a clean slate and cannot use any 'shells' to assist them with their dupes. The event will last roughly 2 hours and at the end of it the top 3 teams will be crowned. 

If you are joining the competition with a building companion or on your own we ask you fill out this template below. However do not fear if you do not fill it out we will still take competitors on the day.

Spoiler :
Team name: 

Players in Team (2 max): 

Rate your skills out of 10:

Due to the nature of this the prizes will fluctuate as more people donate. However at this current time with the current donations the prizes are extraordinary. So far we have $1,000,000 worth of prize money to distribute to the worth winners. These players will receivesome tremendous cash as well as bragging rights, being the best builders!

  • First Place : $1,250,000, the best architect in Fearless and maybe one of the Richest now!
  • Second Place : $725,000, so close while your rival sits on that pedestal maybe you can kick them off next time!
  • Third Place : $357,000 you just got on, however even though not at the top your skills are still immense!

  • You are not to grief anyone else's build. This can be anything from placing a prop in their build, to prop spamming them in order to ruin it. 
  • You are not to harass players in any way. Any mic-spam, insulting, getting in the way or harassment of any sort will result in disqualification.
  • An enforcer's judgement is final. If you are told a verdict by one of the many enforcers controlling the event, you are not to argue. 
  • Locations on the map are dished out on a 'First come - First Serve' basis. Whoever gets the doors, gets the location. 
  • Any insulting or unsportsmanlike conduct will result in a stern warning, and if continued will forfeit your participation in the competition.
    Have fun! Yes, it is a competition. However, the aim is for you to enjoy yourselves and enjoy recognising your own talents.

The aim of the build competition is to allow people to express their building skills and for us to see the passion and work everyone puts into what they roleplay with. Building is key in roleplay and those few props can always make a situation that more immersive. Building is something which many do however not always put their heart and soul in to. During this competition you get to put your heart and soul into the build so we can see how much building means to both you and us!

- The Staff Team for assisting in the putting together of this event
- The Teacher Team for their help and passion to hep in any way they could
- Lesanka for her amazing Graphics
- The Donators : everyone who donated whether it be large or small all of the money helps!

  • Balls : $800,000
  • Wolven : $300,000
  • Joe Joe : $250,000
  • Forgee : $250,000
  • John Silver : $100,000
  • Chumps | Rockdude : $100,000
  • Aspire : $100,000
  • SJ : $100,000
  • Foxirius : $100,000
  • Infernaw : $69,000
  • Siphon : $50,000
  • Panda : $50,000
  • sebasti161 : $28,000
  • Wiki : $20,000
  • Lewwings : $15,000
We'd like to thank anyway who supported us in any way they could. This event wouldn't have been possible without your support and generosity! We hope to see you on July 27th!

Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

[Image: OMVm0Um.png]
Have I helped you out? Rep me >Here<
Team name: A captain without a crew

Players in Team (2 max): myself

Rate your skills out of 10: 10
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]
The following 3 users Like Captain Barry's post:
  • Joe Joe, Random, Wolven
Looking forward to this!
NOT AN Administrator
The following 2 users Like Panda's post:
  • Joe Joe, Mask
If I make 3 separate builds can I win 1st, 2nd and 3rd?
[Image: xTRvpSf.png]
The following 8 users Like Captain Barry's post:
  • Weezy_, Spartan_KCT, Chumps, Ryan, Wolven, Mr Churos, Peter Plasman, Pollux
This is going to be nice!
[Image: qwFgCSM.png]                             

Team name: Tesco Horse Burgers

Players in Team (2 max): Power_Pulka, Luftwaffle

Rate your skills out of 10: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679
[Image: ohr1f5E.jpg]
The following 1 user Likes Luftwaffle's post:
  • Joe Joe
Team name: Team Binbonlon

Players in Team (2 max): Jim, GermanGamer

Rate your skills out of 10: uncontested
Kind Regards,
Fearless Donator
The following 2 users Like Nephew's post:
  • jhayw, MrFinnConlon
Team name:  Coffee

Players in Team (2 max): Coffee

Rate your skills out of 10: 10
The following 1 user Likes Coffee's post:
  • Chumps
This is my sort of criac
[Image: e5bf68204644a67fc15ab6cd327926a2.png]
Team name: Rudolph's Drinking Buddy

Players in Team (2 max): Santa himself

Rate your skills out of 10: N/A
   [Image: uickTS0.png] +Rep
The following 1 user Likes Santaliz's post:
  • Joe Joe

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