Abuse case on admin whom insulted player on multiple accounts.
Posting this for myself...

Name: Tmdirtbike

Time/Date: N/A

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49105491

Name of Administrator: CodedBrain


     Well so, as you know I am a friend of Wood so whenever he was insulted by Coded I felt as I was insulted also. I also believe an active Developer/Mod or whatever he is should not go out of his way to break the forum rules as he had done.

 [Image: c29272f560a3a4a2b674142a0d4ac6c8.png]
Reference: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=63609

Here Coded is insulting Wood by "telling him off as if he is not as good as him."

Evidence: [Image: c48d6fbde49d2057467101c2decc9008.png]


Here is Coded saying Wood is wasting his "time and life." Personally this is extremely rude and just plain out wrong.

Evidence: [Image: de809ec2044cbb1dc715a33f247fbd5d.png]


And here is Coded telling Wood that "he has no life." I don't think this is appropriate for anyone to post like this on the forums, especially a ranked player. If I were to post like this I would be warned.

[Image: c7cbed4fe1d3223b30a33ecde6b3574a.png]


That should be all and as you know I am not a disrespectful person so in no way or form due I mean to cause havoc. I just felt this was necessary to due because of a friend I have. 

Whole post:
Quote: Dear Mr. Wood, or shall I say Callum?

Let's take a look at some of your points.

Quote: Wrote:Evidence #1
Darrell has admitted multiple times to putting backdoors in the CityRP gamemode, along with saying he'd placed one in LL's GM which is clearly threatening us and causing security concerns (see 1.A and 1.B). Then we can look back through the code, and see one backdoor Darrell has created:

This'll allow him to run any command using /mavis <argument> even if he doesn't have his rank. Clearly, this is massive abuse and is also a backdoor. This is called maviskit (maviskit.txt), and we can see it used to be loaded by his luapad plugin.

This was before I was demoted. In the admin group I asked for some of the actual powers to help players out if they vehicle was stuck or themselves, this was partly accepted, so I made this in the luapad I have in-game.

You're calling the txt an exploit or backdoor, but mate, I have to tell you something; I cannot open luapad at LL as I am not developer there (and will be never), so I would be unable to run that txt, as it does NOT start automatticly.

Quote: Wrote:Evidence #2:
Darrell has greatly abused his moderator powers so far, but let's look at a screenshot:

Moderators are unable to set props on fire, so hang on, how on earth has Darrell set a box on fire that he's throwing around? This is prop minging, and is also greatly abusing his developer powers as he's gave himself access to something he shouldn't have access to at all.

The area here was locked off, no-one was able to see what we were doing, so no abuse at all.
My luapad is for debugging and scripting live in game, so far, it is pretty usefull, and atleast using this idea BrainEnts© came to a begin.

Quote: Wrote:Evidence #3:
I mean, this isn't huge, but once again it's just unprofessional behaviour displayed on the servers which isn't appropriate for a staff member to display:

Again, this was in the closed-off area, nobody was able to see what we were doing. Again, no abuse.

Quote: Wrote:Evidence #4:
Darrell clearly has special rights because he's Soul's friend. The whole "only dev as good as him11!!" is absolute crap as there are many other developers that are equally as good/better as Darrell. I'd prefer a developer who doesn't abuse his powers to a developer that abuses the hell out of it. You can see proof of his immunity in:
Evidence 1.C

Sucks for you that you're not that good, you jealous mate?

Quote: Wrote:Evidence #5:

On multiple accounts, Darrell has edited peoples inventories to give them items or money. I'm going to run this one by one.

Before my demotion;

This was given to Callum and me, Callum became Developer (what a mistake) afterwards, it really doesn't matter anymore then.

Quote: Wrote:Evidence #5.1:

Darrell has edited my inventory on multiple occasions, giving me 50 of each pocket, BMWs and a lot of money. Sadly I don't have direct screenshots of this due to Skype not logging back far enough due to me getting a new PC etc.

You asked for this mate.

Quote: Wrote:Evidence #5.2:

Darrell has edited his own inventory on multiple occasions to give himself an edge over players:

I didn't wanted to be better lol, as developer it doesn't matter anymore, so what's your point?

Quote: Wrote:Evidence #5.3:

Most recently, around 2-3 days ago, Darrell has also started editing the inventories of players on the FL:RP servers, and he's trying to hide it from all the staff, SAs+. Here's some sneaky proof of this:
So, why on earth is he trying to hide his inventory editing from ALL Staff? Quite clearly this isn't supposed to be happening and he's clearly doing it under everyone's noses.

2 - 3 days ago? I edited nobody's invetory after my new promotion mate, why talk about it when you do not even know the truth? Afterwards, this money was a joke and is removed afterwards.

Quote: Wrote:I could literally go on all day, but if I'm honest, I can't see it being worth it. Everyone seems deluded to what Darrell is doing, and it's just going unpunished because Soul needs him for FutureRP and CityRP development. I don't see how it's fair at all, for mods to follow the rules but the developer Darrell is fine to get away with anything. I just feel all of these bias statements released by Soul are totally unfair and I can't even respond, even though he has literally twisted everything I've said.

Yeah, you're wasting your time and life.

As I said to you earlier, there is no point in doing this, I have changed, and apparently I made a huge mistake being friends with you.

I may notice too then that you ASKED for the solution to fix SmartSnap. You called me on skype personally, I released no information whatsoever. Afterwards Callum used the same idea as me for his thread to say that SmartSnap was returned from vacation, which was first stated in my post, and which claims that Callum and his community LL copies from FL.

Also, I was demoted due the mistakes of the previous FL admins. The "Hack as developer" my ESP was made because the previous FL admins we're randomly appearing with random sounds in order to make me scared of being on FL.

Due that fact I scripted an ESP to see phased admins, so I couldn't get scared anymore. Which was their fault.

Also, thanks callum for disrespecting my privacy.
And thanks for wasting my precious time, I get it that you don't care about that, you have no life anyway.
Kind regards,
Stated forum rules as of now.
Quote: Section 2 - Forum Behavior Rules

2a.) Do not insult any other communities, keep your opinion for yourself to prevent unnecessary flame wars.

2b.) You are allowed to state your opinion about Fearless, even if it's negative. Please make sure your opinion is based on arguments and is not just spreading hate, because that will result in a warning/ban.

2c.) Do not state your opinion about the community randomly in threads, this is unnecessary and off-topic and may lead to a warning being issued.

2d.) Do not insult forum members or staff members. If you do so, you may face a forum warning or suspension.

2e.) Listen to staff decisions on the forums, even if you do not agree. If you fail to do so, you may face a forum warning or suspension.

2f.) Anti-Staff behavior is not tolerated. Any form of repetitive staff disrespect will result in a forum warning or possible suspension.

2g.) Trolling is not permitted in certain forum sections, which include The Courthouse and Community & Server Information.
Kind regards,
Leave personal issues, personal. Both sides are argueing and I would just suggest them to remove eachother. The admin abuse section is not designed for this. The rest is a repeat of the previous thread.
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