[FL] Temar ; FearRP Breakage.
Name: Jono

Time/Date: Aprox. 9:20.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5119023


Name of Administrator: [FL] Temar

The basic low-down of what happened, is that there was a dictator on, and I had sufficient reason to raid. After raiding the jails, I surfaced and encountered a police officer just outside the garage. I was speaking to him for about 2 minutes, trying to get the location of the Dictator. I did have to kill him, in order to cover myself, and ensure that I followed through with my threat. Upon killing him, I looked around, and saw [FL] Temar, the SRU, standing at the top of the ramp with his weapon holstered. (Pointed towards to ground, e+left click.)
 I then proceeded, along with another rebel, to try and avoid conflict. So we both held our weapons at him, in order to get him to surrender. Upon doing this, Temar proceeded to walk backwards, not acknowledging that we had guns pointed at him for over 5 seconds. (Throughout this time, I was also verbally warning him over mic, however I have lost all sound to my video due to a failure with shadowplay. I'm sure Temar will admit this is the case.) After 5 seconds of walking backwards without acknowledging that we had guns held on him, he then aimed the gun at my fellow rebel, and thus I opened fire.
It's important to note, that although I personally lost my fix on Temar when I began to type to him, the other rebel clearly held his aim, as showed in the video. Furthermore, i wouldn't have lost my aim on Temar, if he had obeyed fearrp, and stood still.
I also asked various admins regarding this incident, as obviously having a weapon out, but not aimed raises a few questions in regards to whether or not it is a breaking of Fearrp. I believe that this is a very situational matter, but i'd personally consider this a breakage of fearrp, not only for the sheer amount of time before Temar aimed a gun at us, but the fact he walked backwards the whole time.
Burnett also agrees that it appears to be a breakage of fearrp too, as shown below:
A more fitting signature. 
Its not holstered, thats a bug, you dont hold the gun like that normally, i was pointing my gun back at you the entire time while backing off to prevent flanking
Which is what I believed at first, but then why did the animation of you holding the weapon change from being 'holsterd', to aiming at us? (Which you can see later in the video.) I know that the animation wouldn't just correct itself, so using your argument, you would've put your gun away at some point, even if only for a moment?
A more fitting signature. 
it was fixed by me pressing shift which also changes the gun position to down, so when i released shift it went back out and was then correct on your screen
There was no FearRP just a misunderstanding from your getting a bugged model hold type and saw my model in a weaponless stance which is why the gun is in 1 hand and pointing at ground even so its a UMP
I would of expected Burnett to be experienced enough to know this
I asked general rickets what he would think if he saw a guy with a UMP pointing directly at ground, his response was bugged position
I've experienced this bug many times and this looks like a textbook example of it. I don't see any abuse.

As you can see here Temar is not breaking FearRP. When he presses shift to run backwards, when you take your gun off him, his gun pops up thus causing it to debug. Also proof it was bugged and his weapon was infact OBVIOUSLY bugged.

(02-16-2015, 12:41 AM)Temar Wrote: it was fixed by me pressing shift which also changes the gun position to down, so when i released shift it went back out and was then correct on your screen
There was no FearRP just a misunderstanding from your getting a bugged model hold type and saw my model in a weaponless stance which is why the gun is in 1 hand and pointing at ground even so its a UMP
I would of expected Burnett to be experienced enough to know this
I asked general rickets what he would think if he saw a guy with a UMP pointing directly at ground, his response was bugged position
This has nothimg to do with my experience, Temar. It looked like fearp at the end of the video. Also if you're saying this is a bug, you should probably fix it.
Involved because I've been banned recently due to a holster bug.
I was banned for "Major Fear RP" Temar because I didn't see a tazer because on my screen the model was bugged and it was barely visible, never mind pointed, the persons evidence even showed that the tazer was barely visible. My point is, I was banned and put on last chance for something I couldn't prevent due to the fact I couldn't see the tazer. If you knew (Which you did because you're a developer) that your gun would be appearing holstered, you probably should have just gone along with that and abided by Fear RP, just like I should have presumed that I was under Fear RP which was a conclusive statement in my case and got banned as a result.
Case reviewed and concluded.

The administrator in question did not abuse his powers. A bug has made a miscommunication between the player and admin. The bug will hopefully be removed from our servers so anything like this in the future will not happen.


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