Unban request.
v2d [14:55:15] [FL] Temar (STEAM_0:0:5119023) Killed: Termin (STEAM_0:0:29604176) using weapon_mad_m4
v2d [14:55:25] Termin (STEAM_0:0:29604176) has spawned as Citizen
v2d [15:00:18] Termin (STEAM_0:0:29604176) said: 5 mins passed

5mins 3 seconds between killed and stating NLR is now 5 mins
5 minutes starting from 14:55:25 would be 15:00:25. We see Termin wrote 7 seconds before that, now add the time it took him to type it out.
No, I died at 14:55:15
NLR is based on Death NOT spawning

and he most likely typed it ready
Yes I had it typed ready
Simple as that, sorted. Counter verified, ban valid.

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