Your name:kras

Your ban ID:42880

Banned by:[FL:M] Venom

Reason:Sex RP.
Involved: po

Why we should unban you: Ok first of all there is no rule about having sex rp and the closes rule is 15.Rule 15 says that rape and sexual abuse is not allowed which no abuse happen here. I was acting like drunk person at a club(and I built the club) and so as my friend po. I was saying sexual terms like kinkey not something offensive and a another thing if you wanted me to stop you should next time warn me not ban me for 2 days.

I want to be unban and so as my friend

-A fan of cityrp
You were making a cop go into a corner and asking him if he wanted to be raped. Tell me how that is allowed? Also, you kept saying to a guy "wait till admin leave." So I left and flew under your shop to listen. Your behavior wasn't acceptable.
Do not know what Kinkey means it does not mean rape and I'm pretty sure I would not rape cop because that will be pretty hard Only reason the guy was saying wait because we wanted to play around again and one thing you were not under my house you made my floors disco colors and flash.
Yes I do know what kinky means. I did not confuse that with rape. And since I don't have a command to make me invisible I did noclip under your building to listen what was going on. As you said as I quote "wait till admin leaves." You don't think that is suspicious?
And did I try to rape a cop while you no nocliping.No
Yes you had him in a corner and were asking if he wanted to have sex. You did that to more than one person may I add.
And if i was raping a cop why did you put sex.rp instead of raping in the ban description you know that your lying so go ahead unban me
That's not rape if I'm asking him to have sex.rape is forcing some 1 to have sex with u
They are both against the rules. Does it matter what I put in the description?
So admin you want to keep going or are going unban I have po as witness still

I'm pretty sure does matter what if I'm getting ban for no reason like right now

I'm pretty sex.rp means to role play sex not rape
I'll keep going as long as I need to. And I suggest you straighten up your attitude and stop demanding me to do things.

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