Clementio - Double Account Perma Ban. 2nd UBR Attempt
Your name: [FL:RP] Clementio

Your ban ID: 61036

Banned by: [FL] Temar

Reason: Double account to avoid bans

Involved: Clementio and Temar

Why we should unban you:
Hi there this is Clementio again trying to understand why im still compared with a guy called Papas that got perma banned, and now im also perma banned because somehow im associated with him. I got banned 3 months ago, im here making a 2nd attempt to get unbanned, i really love this comunity and server, else i would not be here, but well i want to provide you more proves, doing everything you need so i can prove im not the guy that you are acusing me. I dont have much more to talk, you all know me, im the funny guy that does not hurt noone and there is no reason to be associated with this guy called Papas.

Hope we can solve this, good night all. I guess only Temar can solve this, so i will wait for the reply.

Messages In This Thread
Clementio - Double Account Perma Ban. 2nd UBR Attempt - by Clementio - 07-04-2015, 09:03 PM

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