Reporting an Admin for unfairness
Name of player: Rolorox

SteamID: Dunno wouldnt let me click him but you'll know who he is since he is part of your team.

Time in GMT: Around 7pm GMT+1

Its the one running on EVOCITY_V4B1
So I was basing as a rebel for the first time so I quite rusty with the rules basing. I normally place as a policeman officer. 

An Admin decides to check my base (Rolorox) He then tells me I was double dooring or something along the lines of that of which I responded "I don't play rebel much so I am rusty with the rules for basing sorry" He then removed the props as I expected but this is when I get punished. 

He decides that since I broke this rules once and that just because I have 30hours on the server this means that I should know all the rules. I mean can one not make a mistake? So he has decided to ban me in game from using anything to build for 3 hours? Is this really fair? I explained my situation to him but he didn't seem to care.

I think it is really unprofessional to not give people a chance even when they have explained and admitted to their mistake of which will not happen again. 

I do believe he was most likely doing it out of angry as I disagreed with his reasoning for banning someone for 1 day for failrp because I witnessed it and the guy who got banned was very apologetic. So this could just be some sort of venting of his?

I dunno but I do think this was highly unfair and unprofessional. I am not asking for a demote but more of a assurance that this is not a corrupt staff member that dishing out harsh bans on users that make a slight mistake and have learnt from their mistake just from a nice friendly talk with the admin. 

Thank you for the time and please watch the video provided before you respond. Thank you.


Sorry I couldn't get my voice but you can see us type.

Messages In This Thread
Reporting an Admin for unfairness - by Forrest - 03-02-2015, 07:24 PM
RE: Reporting an Admin for unfairness - by Venom - 03-02-2015, 07:45 PM
RE: Reporting an Admin for unfairness - by Fultz - 03-02-2015, 08:45 PM

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