UnBan Request - Mirin
Your name: [FL:RP] Mirin. STEAM_0:0:97499285

Your ban ID: 56041

Banned by: [FL] General Rickets

Reason: Multi-Accounting

Involved: Not really sure what i should answer on this question so i will answer Everyone and Noone

Why we should unban you: I know you guys are Strict on dubble/Multi accounting, Im extremly aware of this, I was doing this for a reason, Im really addicted to fearless and all i wanted was to do good, I know this was the wrong way of doing it, I was known as a major minge i wanted to be a good Roleplayer and show people who i really am, Im not immature i have grown up and thought that i would try to get into FL again so i did, First time i tried without VPN just to come clean wich didnt work out very well so i gave it another attempt by using VPN i know this was extremly dumb but i tried, I made a new account to get a fresh start New friends and all of that, I really tryed to start a new fearless life so people would recognize me as a good roleplayer and a funny/cool guy wich worked out for a while, I didnt break rules apart from the major one Multi acconting, I tired to Roleplay good and to stay out for troubble, i really did.

This was probably the dumbest i could have done since i should just have made a UBR on my first account but i didnt, i was childish and dumb.
If its possible i can take it over voice instead since im not the best writer, Preferably Swedish Staff but english could also work im daily on the teamspeak and again, Im extreamly sorry for doing this, Fearless is a great Community and i really want this, Fearless is more or less my life, i dont do anything else than playing fearless, But again PM me if its possible to take it over mic.

EDIT: You can also see that i have improved my RP skilles since you can see i have gotten my first RP point within 50H
Sad Sad Sad Sorry everyone that i lied to about myself.

Messages In This Thread
UnBan Request - Mirin - by Mirin - 11-24-2014, 01:54 PM
RE: UnBan Request - Mirin - by Mirin - 11-24-2014, 01:56 PM
RE: UnBan Request - Mirin - by General Rickets - 11-25-2014, 11:21 AM
RE: UnBan Request - Mirin - by Mirin - 11-25-2014, 02:19 PM
RE: UnBan Request - Mirin - by General Rickets - 11-25-2014, 02:19 PM

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