John Lance, Frank Hvam, Hubba Bubba Ban Extension
(04-18-2014, 03:56 PM)sgtbender200 Wrote:
Quote:I only said dont kill us again..... and u also broke rules by killing us while tranqed thats also backseat adminstrating so dont get too cocky wtf

We wouldn't have killed you in the first place had you not random raided Reefaz's house, broke NLR ran back into the house, and then broke NLR once again and lock picked the back door without reason. And, had you been killed not-tranqed would you still have classified it as backseat administration. Your group members refused to listen and were stepping on each other like idiots. And while we were trying to deal with Frank Hvam you decide to question us on why we killed you. Of course we're not going to respond when one of them is stepping on another.

i didnt lockpick any doors and you guys broke NLR too by making your friend say who raided him and i didnt raid i just ran in with them, AND i didnt step on any bodies you just kept tranqing and hostaging after i ask why u killing me

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RE: John Lance, Frank Hvam, Hubba Bubba Ban Extension - by hubba bubba - 04-18-2014, 04:21 PM

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