John Lance, Frank Hvam, Hubba Bubba Ban Extension
Ah yes, the infamous ban report reply-ee trying to make his side of the story sound any type of bit legitamate.
You and you're 2 friends that were playing the corleones at the time(No RP involved, by the way.) were consistently trying to getting into our house with no cause at all. You had no reason to raid, no reason to even be on the property to be honest. The John Lance guy sat outside saying 'i fuk ur mum' and loads of crap like that, also while we hostaged you, you and you're friends kept on saying it.
I don't understand how you think you are in the right here, PREDITOR and Sgtbender were pointing fully automatic weapons at you while you were being commanded to stop talking and to get in the corner, which you defyed both of them so I used a tranquilizer to properly RP the situation without killing you since I assumed you didn't have kevlar equipped since you just came back(Breaking NLR, by the way)

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RE: John Lance, Frank Hvam, Hubba Bubba Ban Extension - by Jared - 04-17-2014, 08:29 PM

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