Mr.E unban
Your name: Mr.E

Your ban ID: 32394

Banned by: [FL] Grub

Reason: 'Killing SS,Quickly changing jobs to throw off admins, Nice try though'

Involved: Some SRU guy

Why we should unban you: Well to start with I said you all suck and the guy who I killed said something along the lines of 'I'll demote you' and so I replied saying that he should go ahead because I knew only the president could demote me, when I said that he said he would demote me if he had a reason and with this in mind I said I would attack him if he wanted and then he could demote me as I didnt want to be SRU anymore. So I shot and killed him then after I was killed by the other SRU I changed job. So basically the guy set me up and got me banned when he told me to attack him. Please unban/shorten. In hindsight I probably shouldn't have agreed to attack him.

Messages In This Thread
Mr.E unban - by Mr.E - 05-27-2013, 06:41 PM
RE: Mr.E unban - by Grub - 05-27-2013, 11:18 PM

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