Admin Abuse please demote

Time/Date:Time 21:00pm 30/01/2013

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:51309292

Name of Administrator:Salinsky


So my friend Jokhah was building a snowman salinsky appeared, said he was his friend so after they were doing what they were doing, so after i asked salinsky to leave with my gun out, (I Had my

gun out due to people dont listen when you tell them to leave, it gives a better response) he then left put some sort of armour on, pulled out an AK outside where we were basing (the door still

being open),stormes back in 10-15 seconds later demanding i get on the ground(hostage situation) i then asked him why are you trying to hostage me, what reason do you have, "his reason" "you

pointed a gun at me" so im i say "thats not a very good reason" while he is still shouting get on the ground, he then immedietly says your breaking FearRP,So me being the person i am i argued

with him to get my point across for the next few minutes then he literally turns around and says "your" all retarded",then says "i came back pointed a gun hostaged him told him to get on his

knees while he is saying i random hostaged him i didnt even hostage him" then i say "well you should have hostaged me whats the whole point of a hostage situation if your not going to hostage me

with a rope"he then says "hostaging requires a hostage rope, i can show you the logs i dont even have one" so im like what is the whole point of this situation if you dont even have a hostage

rope so like a nice person i am i offered him one, so he just turned around and ran off after that we exchanged words in OOC Before i got banned.
and in the messages and before i got banned he told me he warned me but where were the warnings did not warn me atall or i just wasn't reading OOC.

So still not knowing why i was actually banned apart from what it says in the Ban section on the forums i then messaged him on the forums asking why and that didnt turn out too well either

He then repeated to go public with everything and said in OOC i sent him a (Personal message)
[Image: 2cf5x1l.jpg]

So again i was trying to prove another point and he was having none of it and told me to "piss off" witch i dont think any "MOD" Should do no matter what.
[Image: 30xa6pt.jpg]

Then told me he was only going to respond to my @ Calls and im a horrible RP'er
[Image: 141qjq8.jpg]

(Disclaimer Video was supplied by Mr Quiggles details on the youtube video)

Messages In This Thread
Admin Abuse please demote - by Monkey670 - 01-31-2013, 12:53 AM
RE: Admin Abuse please demote - by Old Man Jokhah - 01-31-2013, 01:53 AM
RE: Admin Abuse please demote - by Al sevenfold - 01-31-2013, 02:25 AM
RE: Admin Abuse please demote - by Monkey670 - 01-31-2013, 02:49 AM
RE: Admin Abuse please demote - by Al sevenfold - 01-31-2013, 03:07 AM
RE: Admin Abuse please demote - by Monkey670 - 01-31-2013, 04:20 AM
RE: Admin Abuse please demote - by Killjoy - 01-31-2013, 08:23 AM

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