Social norms do not have to be your norms, individuality is the beautiful thing about humans.
Do not feel like having friends or a partner is a requirement because it isn't, the more you
feel obligated to find friends the less comfortable you might feel when a chance arises to get one. Now I am not saying do not try and make
friends or be social, I am simply saying do not go out of your way to try and form relationships in school that will likely falter by the time you
enter adulthood (As George stated) Chase your goals, and eventually you'll find some other people with similar goals.
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
(05-23-2015, 11:45 AM)Nevy Wrote: I'm going to be straight-forward with you and not say "who cares what other people think" or post some really inspirational quotes.

Personality Issues:

  • You are shy, so was I at your age and up until I was about 18 years old. I think my shyness was because I didn't have confidence in myself. I never really was the person to start a conversation, unless of course it was with someone that I knew for many years. Throughout Middle-School, which you are currently in, I could count the number of friends I had on one hand. In High School it had been the same. I never really had a best friend though, not one from school at least.
Weight Issues:

  • I am going to be honest and say that 210 pounds (15 stone) at 5'8 is above what is typical for that height/weight. You are only 13 years old and you need to start making better choices and getting exercise in order to lose some of that weight. Not only is it going to be healthier for you in the long-run but it is also going to raise your self-confidence and possibility help with your shyness. An appropriate weight would probably be around the 160 pounds (11.5 stones). All I can really say for this is to make smart eating choices and exercise daily. Make goals for yourself and try and achieve them, maybe put a goal to lose two pounds a week. Doing exercises in your free time is something that is going to require motivation and you need to take that upon yourself to doing. Sit-ups are a great exercise to do when you wakeup, during the day and before you go to bed. Search YouTube for some exercise videos and tips and you will get all the information you need. Just a couple minutes a day, increasing the time/repetitions every day. Push your limits and you can do it.

As Nevy said, but If I were you I would say thus to all the students: I DON'T GIVE A SHIT, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING, WALLETHEAD
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