EC:LE - Evocity Law Enforcement
So uh yes?
Still active, have a lot of things to do though.

Y u pick on our group

[Image: LkB62ld.png]

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General Info (OOC)

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Sammerh

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55593568

Age: 15

How many hours do you currently have: 720

How many RP Points do you currently have: 2

How many bans do you currently have: 4

What timezone do you live in: GMT +0

Your Character (IC)

Name: Zus Bielski

Nationality: Russian

Age: 36

Description: A tall white man, About 6'2, Size 13 shoes, Always wears a suit.

Backstory: An ex-member of the Spetsnaz, Mr. Bielski moved to EvoCity in search of a new, more peaceful life, away from the Russian military. As soon as he settled down in EvoCity he went searching for a job, he was hired as a Log Transporter for 2 years until the company, Tree-et closed down. He applied in government with his law degree, but didn't get far because of his history. Until now, he has decided to try again with the EC:LE.

Other Information (OOC):

Give us some information about you: I am a Music technician and drummer living in Kent, England studying for my GCSE's

What division are you applying for (Please check which ones are promotion only, do not apply for these): State Patrol

Why would you like to join this division: I am better equipped for state patrol as i find it easier yet more demanding

Why have you picked us: I have picked EC:LE because i have a few friends working here and it seems to be my style as i have wanted to work in the police force IRL

How active are you on the servers (1-10): 7-8

How active are you on the forums (1-10): 8-9

How experienced are you with roleplaying (name some past events you’ve partaken in/hosted): EvoCinema - Hosted by Mark-The-Mushroom, My part was Lead Actor, We gathered 1 RPP from this are are currently working on our next show
DragRaceRP - Hosted by Darkerx, my part was one of the racers, I mainly won most of them in my black BMW

Do you have references we can contact (Steam Name): 
[FL:RP] Von Tempski
[FL:RP] Wood
[FL:RP] Barkles
[FL:RP] Link66
[FL:RP] Zan - Possibly
[FL:RP] Raptor
[FL:RP][G-S] BlackForest
[FL:RP] evilmat360
[FL:RP] BurgZ
[FL:RP] Sgt. Suarez
Was gonna make a group like this. Hope this is still active.
General Info (OOC)

Steam Name: [FL:RP] [W-G] Panzer

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60371714

Age: >14  (I'd rather keep precise age private or at least over a Private Message).

How many hours do you currently have: Approx. 580

How many RP Points do you currently have: 2: "Great Weapons Inspection RP"
"Police Information Stand RP"

How many bans do you currently have: 3

What timezone do you live in: GMT

Your Character (IC)

Name: Frank Razmataz

Nationality: American, NYC

Age: 34

Description: A tall, well-weathered man with a few scars along his forehead. He speaks with a thick Manhattan accent from a mouth sketched with smile-lines. A five-o-clock stubble with a light black-hue, the same as his furred eyebrows and short, smart black hair.

Backstory: After small stunts as Mall Security, Club Bouncer and even a trip to the UK to partake in the voluntary 'Special Constable' duties, Frank finally racked up enough experience and confidence to march down to the NYC Police College. After patrolling for only 8 weeks in the shady Bronx streets, Officer Razmataz found himself with an offer for a high-risk transfer. It paid more, it gave more opportunity and gave him a chance to access the big guns. There wasn't much of a decision. He packed up and headed for EvoCity, the Criminal Capital of North America. He knew it wasn't going to be an easy job, but he knew he'd always be busy.

Other Information (OOC):

Give us some information about you: Funnily enough, enlisting in the Police Force in the scary real world is my ambition. I like to think I know more than the average joe about procedures, as I've done my fair bit of research. I've played Fearless for quite a while now and tend to stick to the Police jobs. I like to think I roleplay the job correctly. If I can, I make a habbit out of reading out rights, verbally defusing situations instead of making arrests and organizing a Police Force into set patrols as oppose to the usual "Pairs" system.

What division are you applying for (Please check which ones are promotion only, do not apply for these): State Patrol

Why would you like to join this division: It's the division most suited for myself. Mentioned above, the reasons why. Ontop of that, I feel this will assure the most fun and involving roleplay between players. Within and Outwith the RP group.

Why have you picked us: I saw the template and made the presumption this was a very seriousrp-orientated group. That's my jam. I also saw some of the players already inside the group, who are well-known to be talented and fun roleplayers.

How active are you on the servers (1-10): Depends. Sometimes I go off to about a 4, but when I do play, I'm around 7.

How active are you on the forums (1-10): Around a 5.

How experienced are you with roleplaying (name some past events you’ve partaken in/hosted): Not a lot on this server, however, there was a time I played HL2 Serious RP religiously. I have about 500+ hours experience with Serious RP, have Administrated a server, Co-Owned two and took the role of Head Of Staff on one. The servers -if still up- are as follows:
ViridianRP (Dead)
PidgeRP (Dead)
LuminosityRP (Alive I think?)
Werewolf Gaming - HL2RP (Uncertain)
With regards to forum etiquette, my experience comes from managing and staffing these servers too. I know how to roleplay, especially in terms of the hierarchy you guys are implementing.

Do you have references we can contact (Steam Name): Not anyone in paticular. I like to interact with all players, not just people on my friend's list.
We went quite inactive on this due to limitations in the 'group' system. Problem is, you can't get official groups which means no sub forum, and for a group like this we need a sub forum for key communication.

This may continue in the future, not sure yet.
Kind Regards,
Steam Group?!...
Kind Regards,

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