Acialwips unban request.
Your name: Mungi
Your blacklist ID: 42344
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:7852569
Reason: Mass intentional CDM
Staff member who blacklisted you: Venom
Reason why you should be unblacklisted: I should be unbanned because I didn't intentionally CDM. Yes, I'm known for hitting people with cars and everyone says it's intentional, I drive my car around all the time, if I do hit someone I will stop and say sorry in looc and call an ambluance unless there are loads of cops that will arrest me there, most of the time I hit someone it is because they're stood in the road for no reason when i'm getting chased by cops and my job is street racer so the RP their should be fine (if not please let me know but i've seen others doing it). I'm sincerly sorry about this and it won't happen again, i like to drive, i like to drive fast and i like police chases, I do incite police chases by running red lights yes but it's all a bit of nice fun RP until someone stands in the middle of the road and i hit them when escaping cops. I never have and never will intentionally RDM.

I'm sorry if I have been CDM'ing and truly I will stop this, I would also like if admins didn't think bad of me after the blacklist me, I was on the server and was blacklisted and I had already reported things which 20 minutes later still haven't been sorted, venom will solve everyone elses problems but won't come to me after someone has been cdm'd or someone has broken fear rp.
I'm not asking for the blacklist to be removed but just to be shortened as I think that is really excessive as it was never intentional.
You were across from BP and hit someone, then reversed and tried to hit more people. How was it not intentional?
I don't remember this incident but if it happened then I am sorry, as I said I'm not asking for the blacklist to be removed but for it to be shortened, I will drive a lot more safely when I get this privilege back.
As I said, a lot of the RP I like to do involves cars, I don't want the full blacklist taken away just shortened, it's got 21 hours left but if you can just make it a couple of hours instead because I believe 24 hours is excessive for a blacklist.
I'll lower it a little bit.

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