oh my god. UBR
Your name: jackz

Your blacklist ID:  76515

Steam ID: 

Reason: Do not write in all caps, use advert for advertising, not for messaging

Staff member who blacklisted you: Holdem

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: i was legit telling the other freedom fighters that the president was at the third floor and to come there in an all capsed message in advert, people have been doing it all day and haven't been punished for it. I was legit using advert properly and i have no idea that i wasn't (pretty sure i am) allowed to use advert in that way
link me to rule pls
please unblacklist, i legit only needed a warning
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
+involved, I really dont find it fair to blacklist him because he had used caps. Many people do it and you target him? As JackZ stated, you did not even warn him.
(04-14-2016, 08:47 AM)Cookiro Wrote: +involved, I really dont find it fair to blacklist him because he had used caps. Many people do it and you target him? As JackZ stated, you did not even warn him.

Not involved. Warned.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
Approved due to 7 days having passed without banning moderators lack of response.

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